We are experiencing explosive growth in digital media.Storage cost and data management cost is increasing day by day.Our home computers are filled with different file types such as .jpgs, mpeg,.mov,.doc etc.Our office computers are filled with.ppt,.doc.xls and several othe file type.Different company uses different software as their standard software.Main problem we are dealing with is the management of different files and their backup on reliable media or device.We need to store our datas for several reasons,ranging from compliance to companies policies to keep a record of digital files.DVDs,CDs even hard drives have limited timespan.Cds, DVDs if not properly kept,they are prone to scratches and thermal effects,which can make data stored on them unreadable.Hard drives have sensitive magnetic surfaces where it store the data's.Magnetic field is prone to thermal effects,means increased temperature can make hard drive to fail.Best device to backup your data are RAID(Redundant Array of Independent Disk) devices,NAS (Network Attached storage),while SAN is expensive data storage option.SAN is used in big enterprises,and falling SAN prices may make small to mid size enterprises business to start using it.In my next blog I will be explaining why the before mentioned devices are best to use as a storage device.