What does self-improvement mean to you? This is interesting topic and I am sure everyone can relate to it one way or other. Self-improvement means a lot to me, it gives a whole new perspective and freshness to yourself, this brings out a new you !
As with any improvement process self-improvement starts with where are you where do you want to go and how do you want to improve, find a mentor if needed and lots of patience before actual goal could be realized.
Self-improvement could be for anything to improve on your
personal relationship, expand your circle of friends re-establish, re kindle
family relationship.
Self-improvement helps you to hold on to relationships, hold
on to professional recognition explore and reinvent your new self.
If you ask me how do I connect with self –improvement for
myself I will say that there are so many areas I have improved on since the
time I realized that one needs to continually improve to adapt changes ,make people
happy around you. When my kids were able to handle themselves and less
dependent on me for day to day activity I determined I need to catch-up with
technology =this determined where. I did setup a goal for myself to improve on
knowledge in Information Technology, I was clear on my goal ,I scanned through
several certification ,read books-this answers How. I wrote exams and achieved the
desired certification-This answers what. This gave me good recognition at
workplace I saw boost in my morale. I was happy myself, gladly updated my LinkedIn
profile, signatures etc.
That was about my professional improvement.
At personal level as well I do setup improvement goal. I am
born and raised in India ,I have 3 siblings ,being first born I was pampered a
lot, nothing used to move in home without my consent. We had all comfort of world
at our disposal, nice home, car with driver, doting parents. Once I married I
was blessed with loving and caring in-laws, same level of life style continued.
However when I came to North America within 2 years of marriage, it was a new
world, everything was new to me and there was no way to fit-in without
improving myself. I had to learn to manage household chores on my own, learn to
drive when driver ready car is not in front of home. I would say I am little
introvert and takes a lot of time to share and open with people around me, I
had to make new friends in this news country and continent, I did that and I am
proud of my close circle for their input in shaping up my personality.
Here I have shared a brief overview of my self-improvement
professional and personal. I continued to identify self-improvement opportunity,
just latest one is I have started learning swimming. I must say it is fun now
that I know I can handle myself in water well.
At closure of this topic what does self-improvement mean to me I will conclude
with determine where are you, where do you want to go and how? And this is not
limited to any age anyone can be better, happy and confident version of
I will leave you with this quote:
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but
reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.by Norman Vincent Peale